755 5 Basic Tips for Business Lunch Meetings - Derby Hotels Collection Blog Magazine

5 Basic Tips for Business Lunch Meetings

5 Basic Tips for Business Lunch Meetings

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Have you ever considered whether or not it’d be rude to answer a call during a meeting? Have you met with a client and felt unsure as to when you could bring up an important topic? What if I spill something on myself during lunch? Do I ask the waiter for stain remover or do I go through the rest of the meeting pretending as though it didn’t happen? Or do I run to the restroom, embarrassed, to try to remove the stain?

Doing business outside of the office is nice, but what is the correct etiquette in these situations? DHC experts have a few basic no-fail recommendations:

– Choose the right restaurant. Make sure it’s an appropriate environment for a business lunch and that the menu has enough variety so it appeals to different people.

Think professionally. Choosing a place where you’re a regular could work against you. You might end up having to answer to embarrassing situations or questions with “I’ll tell you some other time…”

– I never leave home without my mobile. The appropriateness of using a mobile phone during a meeting is debatable. We recommend that you only answer calls that are directly related to the business at hand. Otherwise, wait to respond to calls after your meeting. Your client will appreciate you for it.

-Where do I put my purse? Leaving your bag with the coat check or hanging it across your seat rest are your best options. Don’t put it on the floor – it’s considered a bad omen for your money.

-If you’re a smokerremember this: the most important part of this meeting is your guest or client. It is considered bad manners to leave your party waiting at the table while you go out for a smoke.